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The CAGA Governance
Fair Voting Mechanism
At CAGA - no VIP treatment here; every member stands on an equal footing. As your Voting Power (VP) grows as you accumulate through staking. It's like a treasure chest of influence, allowing you to craft proposals and steer the ship of our community-driven DAO toward new horizons.

The next chapters in our story are decided by the voices and votes of our community's passionate stakeholders. Join us as we embark on this thrilling adventure!

each staked CAGA token is allocated 0.01 voting power per day

How CAGA Governance work?

The CAGA DAO proposal process is a four-step process that ensures that the community is involved in the decision-making process and that proposals are only passed if they have the support of the majority of the community.

Step 1 - Voting Power
Voting power is determined by the number of staked tokens. This ensures that those who are most invested in the project have the greatest say in the decision-making process. You will receive 0.01 Voting Power per CAGA token each day it is staked. Voting power expires 365 days from the date of issue.

Step 2 - Proposal Creation
To create a proposal, a fee will be collected in CAGA tokens. This fee helps to ensure that proposals are genuine - well intended and that the community is not flooded with frivolous proposals.

Step 3 - Voting Period
Once a proposal has been created, there is a 30 days voting period. During this time, all CAGA DAO members can vote on the proposal.

Step 4 - Voting Quorum
Proposals need a minimum percentage of voting power or a specific number of votes to pass. This ensures that proposals only pass if they have the support of a significant portion of the community. The voting threshold varies depending on the category your proposal falls under.

There are 4 Categories within the CAGA Governance:

Governance & Financial Strategy
Focuses on adapting the governance structure, managing token economics, and handling project funds to ensure effective decision-making and resource allocation.

Governance & Operation
Discussion revolve around refining governance processes, optimizing network parameters, and strategically investing such as allocating funds to enhance the blockchain platform.

Technical Development & Compliance
Entails implementing technological advancements in the blockchain protocol, fostering partnerships and integrations, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations for sustainable growth.

Community Development & Security
Efforts within this category include community-driven initiatives, bug fixes, security measures, and the establishment of guidelines, all aimed at fostering a vibrant and secure ecosystem while promoting sustainability and accessibility.

Example of proposal in the various categories:
TierGroup TitleGroup DescriptionCategoriesDescriptionExamples
Category 1Governance & Financial StrategyThis category focuses on adapting the governance structure, managing token economics, and responsibly handling project funds to ensure effective decision-making and resource allocation.Governance Structure EvolutionThis category focuses on the development and evolution of the governance structure within a blockchain or decentralized platform. It includes discussions and decisions related to how the project is governed, who has decision-making authority, and how it may change over time.Change in governor, roles, addition of governors, expansion of committee
Tokenomics and EconomicTokenomics refers to the economic and financial aspects of a blockchain project, particularly the design, issuance, and management of tokens. This category involves discussions about how tokens are created, distributed, and used within the ecosystem.Token issuance, inflation rate, rewards and penalties.
Treasury ManagementTreasury management involves strategies and practices for managing the financial resources of a blockchain project, particularly the funds or assets held in reserve. It includes decisions related to budgeting, investments, and financial planning.Our project's native token will empower governance token holders to have a say in how the funds can be distributed, whether it's for partnerships, marketing, development, or any other use.
Category 2Governance & OperationDiscussion revolve around refining governance processes, optimizing network parameters, and strategically investing and allocating funds to enhance the blockchain platform.Governance ProcessThis category pertains to the processes and procedures that govern decision-making within a blockchain project. It covers topics like how proposals are submitted and voted on, how parameters are adjusted, and how funding is allocated.Improvements to the governance itself, voting mechanism, quorum requirements, decision making cycle
Parameter AdjustmentParameter adjustment refers to the ability to modify various parameters within a blockchain's protocol, such as block size, transaction fees, or consensus rules.Fine-tuning of network performance, gas fees, and incentives for staking rewards
InvestmentInvestment in the context of a blockchain project involves decisions related to allocating resources or funds to support development, growth, or other strategic initiatives.In new projects, collaboration and acquisition
Funding AllocationFunding allocation involves deciding how available funds or resources should be distributed among different projects, initiatives, or stakeholders within the blockchain ecosystem.These tokens will be utilized to distribute funds to specific projects aimed at enhancing the platform.
Community GrantCommunity grants are financial awards or support provided to individuals or groups within the blockchain community for projects, development, or contributions that benefit the ecosystem.For growth within the community, allocating funds to support innovation in project development and research
IntegrationIntegration refers to the process of incorporating external services, technologies, or partnerships into the blockchain platform to enhance its functionality or features.New functions, such as addition of token, chains or feature.
Marketing FundsProposals relating to marketing and public relations to increase project exposure and awareness in the Web3 space.Allocation of funds for marketing, advertisements, reaching out to KOLs, sites for exposure.
Category 3Technical Development & ComplianceThis category entails implementing technological advancements in the blockchain protocol, fostering partnerships and integrations, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations for sustainable growth.Protocol UpgradesThis category deals with the improvement and evolution of the underlying protocol of a blockchain network. It includes discussions about upgrades, changes, and enhancements to the core technology.Putting changes into action, such as advancements in technology.
Partnership and IntegrationCollaborations and partnerships with external entities, including other blockchain projects, businesses, or organizations, and the integration of their services or technologies into the blockchain ecosystem.Adoption with external projects or system, incorporating it into CAGA.
Regulatory complianceRegulatory compliance relates to ensuring that the blockchain project adheres to relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where it operates. This includes legal and compliance considerations.Improvements to be compliance with certain law and regulations.
Category 4Community Development & SecurityEfforts within this category include community-driven initiatives, bug fixes, security measures, and the establishment of guidelines, all aimed at fostering a vibrant and secure ecosystem while promoting sustainability and accessibility.Community InitiativesEncompasses various community-driven activities and efforts within the blockchain ecosystem.Fund raising for community driven projects, research and development.
Bug FixesBug fixes involve identifying and resolving software bugs or vulnerabilities within the blockchain platform to maintain its security and functionality.Bug fixes involve identifying and resolving software bugs or vulnerabilities within the blockchain platform to maintain its security and functionality.
Security and RiskSecurity and risk management focus on measures and practices to safeguard the blockchain ecosystem from potential threats, attacks, or vulnerabilities.Proposal to identify and undermine security risk, vulnerabilities attack and threats
Guidelines and Code of ConductEstablishing and maintaining guidelines, rules, and codes of conduct for participants within the blockchain community to ensure a safe and respectful environment.To establish community guidelines for healthy community
Sustainable initiativesInclude efforts to promote sustainability within the blockchain ecosystem, which can encompass environmental concerns, responsible resource management, and long-term viability.Eco-friendly proposals for the community, lower carbon energy consumption
Token ListingRefers to the process of getting our token listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges or other platforms, making it available for trading and investment by the broader public.Getting listed on exchanges - centralised, decentralised, or other platforms
Creating Proposal
Simple connect your wallet and choose the categories that best represent your proposal. You are also advised to share your plan with the community through the social platforms in order to come out with a proposal that has the best interest for the community.